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It seems a bit strange that a new front in the blogging wars would be opening in 2015. But with Medium looking to grow its sphere of influence over the last couple years it’s only natural, it seems Facebook foe that time was right to make a move to capture some of that market share and throw its considerable weight around to pull people’s attention. It remains to be seen if this is indeed the first shot in a larger push into long-form updates. If it is it’s unclear who exactly the target audience is since the demographics of Facebook are, to put it mildly, in flux.

via Facebook Opens Another Front In the Blog Wars with Notes Revamp « Voce Communications.

One thought on “Facebook Goes Long-Form with Notes

  1. Facebook Notes reminds me of the day years ago when Facebook used to have Notes for longer-form writing. Granted, I’m sure Facebook’s integration of this now (some 7 years later–or however long it’s been since they removed that feature) is different now. But, I’m glad to see a renewed focus on blogging and writing.

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