Flashback MMM: Three Films of Sofia Coppola

Sofia Coppola has had what could accurately be described as an incredible career as a director. Beginning in 1999 with The Virgin Suicides, each movie has been a unique thing, a touchpoint for the culture, it seems, as well as often being a lightning rod. She’s never not taken chances, though, even if her movies … Continue reading Flashback MMM: Three Films of Sofia Coppola

Flashback MMM: The Bachelor and the Bobby-Soxer

This weekend Showtime debuts “Becoming Cary Grant,” a documentary about the great actor’s life and career. Watch the trailer and you’ll see that it’s about identity, with the grown man working hard to keep up the image of someone that didn’t quite match who he felt he really was but felt pressure to maintain. That’s … Continue reading Flashback MMM: The Bachelor and the Bobby-Soxer

Flashback MMM: Waiting For Guffman

This past Wednesday, Chicago’s Music Box Theater hosted a special event with writer/director/actor Christopher Guest where he talked about not only his own movies but also those that influenced him. That provided enough reason for me (I don’t need much of one) to revisit the marketing of Guest’s 1997 classic comedy Waiting for Guffman, which … Continue reading Flashback MMM: Waiting For Guffman

Flashback MMM: The Player

This year has brought with a lot of talk about the 25th anniversary of Wayne’s World, the Mike Myers/Dana Carvey comedy classic that brought already well-known “SNL” characters to the big screen. It’s aso been a time to celebrate a quarter century since writer/director Quentin Tarantino announced his presence as a major new filmmaker when … Continue reading Flashback MMM: The Player