Selling The Invisible Man

My latest post for The Hollywood Reporter is a recap of Universal’s marketing campaign for The Invisible Man. The marketing campaign Universal is running has downplayed the “monster” elements and instead is selling the movie as a story of an abused woman who reclaims the power taken from her. Early reviews have been largely positive, … Continue reading Selling The Invisible Man

Selling Glass

You can read my full recap of the marketing campaign for Glass at The Hollywood Reporter. Based on the popularity of Split and the renewed buzz around Shyamalan the movie is tracking for an opening of about $60 million to $70 million, which would allow it to easily win the weekend and provide Universal with … Continue reading Selling Glass

Selling Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason

You can read my full recap of the marketing for Bridget Jones - The Edge of Reason at Film Threat. Barring Cameron Crowe writing “Maguire 2: Electric Boogaloo”, the role of Bridget Jones presented her with her one chance at a “signature” character. I personally didn’t see it as I had to help negotiate an … Continue reading Selling Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason